All I Want For Christmas Is My Son Home Shirt

 what if we just don’t understand All I Want For Christmas Is My Son Home Shirt gravity?” To be very clear, this is literally what is happening here- we do not understand what is happening on large scales with gravity as it’s not behaving how it should! But in science it’s not enough to just say “what if we don’t understand X- you need to provide a testable theory, which de facto usually involves math in physics. Dark energy is such a thing via puttingWhat is the universe expanding into? Nothing. It’s the literal points inside the universe expanding! Not the points between your body or things in our galaxy- local forces are much stronger than dark energy- but at large distances measurements show the farther a galaxy is the faster it’s moving away from us. My favorite analogy is imagine a number line- 1,2,3..., infinity. Now imagine doubling the number line so it’s 2,4,6,..., infinity. That iswhat the expansion of the universe is like- you still have the same amount of numbers but their values are twice as much.

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