Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Elephants And Wine And Said Fuck A Lot Shirt
Apparently during the first wave Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Elephants And Wine And Said Fuck A Lot Shirt of lockdown in the UK abuse of retail workers skyrocketed. It pisses me off no end. They were doing their best trying to keep the shelves stocked with all the panic buying and they got abused for it.I’m in the UK, and it was disgusting. The panic buying shit biscuits behaved appallingly. I agree - everyone should work retail and/or as a waiter.You can usually tell instantly which customers have never worked in retail. Those entitled rude dick nuggets who demand shit beyond your control from you.I used to think it was skin cells (popular belief), but then I'm like, what about abandoned houses? Do homeless people break in, throw down layers of skin everywhere, and sneak out again every night? Where does it all come from?It’s also a bit of hair, fibers from clothing, dead bugs, dust mites, bacterial, soil, pollen, carpet fibers, animal hair and skins cells, tiny pieces of plastics, etc.
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