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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Autism Sewing Because 2020 Is Boo Sheet Merry Christmas Shirt

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 France tried, though. Napoleon sent  Autism Sewing Because 2020 Is Boo Sheet Merry Christmas Shirt   the Leclerc expedition, a military force designed to retake the island. Resistance and tropical diseases wore them down and Haiti stayed independent. International commercial and financial pressure forced them to pay the debt, not guns. The problem is that technology continued to grow, and the world changed very rapidly to have major economic dangers useable. The French had two credible threats: 1, we will bombard the island from the sea with our navy that absolutely dwarfs yours, and 2, we will embargo your island, ensure nobody will sell to you, and you will starve to death before any help could get to you  Buy it : Autism Sewing Because 2020 Is Boo Sheet Merry Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Baby Yoda Sunflower Have A Grateful Day Shirt

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 You're right, all other 18th and 19th C. revolutions in   Baby Yoda Sunflower Have A Grateful Day Shirt  America, maybe aided in part by indigenous people or slaves who were offered freedom, were mainly driven by the "criollos", who were mostly of european descent, and aristocrats who didn't align with the Spanish (mostly) or British crowns, but hardly slaves. Haiti's revolution was one of a kind, and exemplary for the rest of America. The "Revolutions" podcast by Mike Duncan is an excellent series for the interested layperson, and the Haitian revolution is the one I started on  Buy it :  Baby Yoda Sunflower Have A Grateful Day Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Hot Cardinals Tommy Shirt

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 You should check out some of the   Hot Cardinals Tommy Shirt  things Ganghis khan did... crazy psychological stuff and really outside the box warfare The US actually attempted something similar in WWII called a bat bomb to ignite the mostly wooden/bamboo houses in Japan. Needless to say it failed. Actually burned down a hangar on a US base accidentally. I misread this as Saint Olga and was very  I don't know anything of the history of that area so thank you for a legit answer. When "they overthrew colonial administration" made me think it was already a revolution.  Buy it : Hot Cardinals Tommy Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Funny America Strong Shirt

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 You forgot the reason she did this, a neighboring  Funny America Strong Shirt   King killed her husband and ordered her to marry him and give her Kingdom over. She didn't take it kindly. And even better: all those people she killed at the feast? They were all young noble men. She told them she was going to give up and and agreed to marry as long as she got to pick him. So the enemy country sent a BUNCH of their young, rich, noble men and she killed them all. That’s kind of a huge deal because she basically just wiped out a generation of upcoming men in an extremely patriarchal government  Buy it :  Funny America Strong Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Donald Trump Is My President 2020 Make America Even Greater Shirt

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 After a year long siege, Olga said  Donald Trump Is My President 2020 Make America Even Greater Shirt   Give me three pigeons...and three sparrows from each house." The Drevlians rejoiced at the prospect of the siege ending for so small a price, and did as she asked. Olga then instructed her army to attach a piece of sulphur bound with small pieces of cloth to each bird. At nightfall, Olga told her soldiers to set the pieces aflame and release the birds. They returned to their nests within the city, which subsequently set the city ablaze. There was not a house that was not consumed, and it was impossible to extinguish the flames, because all the houses caught fire at once.  Buy it :  Donald Trump Is My President 2020 Make America Even Greater Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Freddie Mercury We Will Rock You Queen Shirt

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 Before 1965 Indonesian Government   Freddie Mercury We Will Rock You Queen Shirt  sent academicians, especially STEM graduates to study in Eastern Europe. After the supposed communist uprising in 30th September 1965 the government revoked their citizenship and declared them stateless. They risked persecution and possible torture and murder if they insist on returning. These nuclear physicist, master engineer, and PhD graduates take menial jobs, becoming janitors and wait tables to carry on living with virtually no possibility of return to their country. Sometimes degrees don’t translate well to other countries & aren’t accepted or good enough to meet standards.  Buy it : Freddie Mercury We Will Rock You Queen Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Vote For Liberty Rbg Peace Blm Equality Shirt

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 When the Mexican government rounded   Vote For Liberty Rbg Peace Blm Equality Shirt  up thousands of Yaqui natives, made them walk over 300 km to the coast, put then on boats, and sold them as slaves for about 25 cents. Most ended up on plantations in Veracruz where they were worked to death. Slavery was already illegal in Mexico at the time.My Dad's side is Native and there was a recorded marriage to a "Yaqui captive" and I didn't know what that was until I googled. Before 1965 Indonesian Government sent academicians, especially STEM graduates to study in Eastern Europe. After the supposed communist uprising in 30th September 1965 the government revoked their citizenship and declared them stateless. They risked persecution and possible torture and murder if they insist on returning.  Buy it :  Vote For Liberty Rbg Peace Blm Equality Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Betty Boop December Girl I'M Not Old I'M Vintage Shirt

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 White privilege is amoung other things  Betty Boop December Girl I'M Not Old I'M Vintage Shirt   the benefit of the doubt. And there were times that this was difference between staying on the tightrope or falling off. The expectation that I would make it to the other side - not just from the teachers and relatives, but every story I read of orphans making good (who all happened to be white). That all pushed me past moments when a more “realistic” expectation would have led me off the tightrope and onto a more “realistic” balance beam with a more “realistic” destination. White privilege is not just external - although it is definitely external - it is also part of our self-image and limits or lack thereof we place on our imagined future. Smart kids go to college. That was my expectation, that rule and my unquestioning perception of that being a rule and not an aspiration shaped my life as strongly as my mother’s death did.  Buy it : Betty Boop December Girl I'M ...

Betty Boop November Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt

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 To all the people that say “There are poor  Betty Boop November Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt   white individuals who have massive struggles how can that be a privilege over X.” Yes there are massive struggles that can be experienced by any human. But going through them with dark skin is not the same experience as going through them with white skin. I am in my 40s, so all this “white privilege” talk wasn’t anything I heard in my 20s. But I remember a time shortly after college when things just fell apart for me. I was just starting to put things back together - and I don’t know why this crossed my mind - but I remember thinking “Thank God at least I am white or this would be even harder.” I really don’t know what prompted that thought but I remember how obvious that was to me then.  Buy it  : Betty Boop November Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Betty Boop October Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt

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Small slips are overlooked  Betty Boop October Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt  (not knowing what is appropriate to order at a business dinner) because people don’t easily challenge their assumptions. I don’t need a seminar to know that not the same for non-white people. Basically I have the privilege of not having to explain how I overcame challenges to get where I am. My privilege is that people assume I did not have the challenges. And I don’t know if you can understand how beneficial it is to pass like this. Having to explain it is exhausting no matter what your race. And I am sure the “subtle” probes are very frustrating for non-whites who just had a middle class upbringing. To all the people that say “There are poor white individuals who have massive struggles how can that be a privilege over X.  Buy it :  Betty Boop October Girl I'm Not Old I'm Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

All I Need Is Coffee And My Dog It Is Too Peopley Outside Shirt

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 The people that struggle with white All I Need Is Coffee And My Dog It Is Too Peopley Outside Shirt  privilege generally have a lot of other privileges too. I expect they think - “well that difference is because the black kid is poor/bad neighborhood/fatherless not just because their skin is dark.” I can tell you when white privileged is just about the only privilege you have, you don’t mistake the value of it. You ride those positive assumptions about white kids for all they are worth and double down to prove them right. The other thing you really notice is that you can “pass” in a way non-white people from a similar background cannot.  If I don’t want to go into all the hard-luck of my life - then or now - everyone just assumes I have a normal middle-class background. Buy it :  All I Need Is Coffee And My Dog It Is Too Peopley Outside Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt

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 Now take that and begin the tightrope  Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt   with the adults in schools and teen jobs having any other assumptions. If they didn’t assume I would, despite no parents nor money, find a way to college. If that wasn’t instilled in me. Let me say that I never once through my whole youth thought not going to college was even a possibility. Smart kids went to college. That is how it worked. Do you really think I would have had that same unshakable perspective if I were not white? I certainly don’t. And there were very, very few things in my youth that were that certain. Without that certainty, I can’t even imagine were I would be. The people that struggle with white privilege generally have a lot of other privileges too Buy it : Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Surf And Turf World Tour Since 1991 Vintage Retro Shirt

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 I honestly think it is even more  Surf And Turf World Tour Since 1991 Vintage Retro Shirt  noticeable. I was orphaned at 12. Had no stability and was always on the edge of being sent to the household of a different relative. I was a good kid. When you are given no rules but know if bring any trouble to attention you are moving- you are amazingly good. I did well in school and had a scholarship. But the lack of a familial support system throughout made everything a tightrope. Adults who knew my situation were sympathetic and helpful and I was always surrounded with the expectation that a smart kid like me would make something of myself. I can not express how fragile the tightrope was and the underlying fear I had of the consequences of breaking that image. And with all that I had massive struggles and a few significant failures. Buy it :  Surf And Turf World Tour Since 1991 Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

I Don't Live In Philippines But Philippines Will Always Live In Me Shirt

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 I see in rural electorates, National electorate  I Don't Live In Philippines But Philippines Will Always Live In Me Shirt   MPs mostly won, despite Labour mostly winning the party vote in those same electorates .Looking at some numbers, it looks like about 1/8 people seem to have A person voting blue-red strikes me as weird. What do people think is the motivation in these voters' minds? They're all personal friends with their local National MP, but like Jacinda? You're thinking of this in the wrong way. Most of the Electorate Votes don't affect the number of party members elected to Parliament - the Party Votes decide the number of seats they get, which is made up of Electorate and List Seats. Voting someone in for an Electorate guarantees their presence in Parliament. They may not necessarily get in on the List.  Buy it :  I Don't Live In Philippines But Philippines Will Always Live In Me Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - C...

Snoopy And Woodstock Driving Los Angeles Lakers Car 2020 NBA Champions Shirt

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 Yeah wtf happened with that? I guess  Snoopy And Woodstock Driving Los Angeles Lakers Car 2020 NBA Champions Shirt   its mainly brainless morons that believe every consipracy theory so I guess it  Said this many times before: Conspiracy theories used to be created to explain the inexplicable. Now they're used to deny reality. What's so unfathomable strange is how Russia can go from being the worst enemy conceivable (Soviet era perhaps) to "meh, way better than Dems". Before 2016 my grandmother told me Russia was the biggest threat to American democracy. There was some site that showcased the hierarchy of related subscribers to different subs. And it's nuts how much crossover there is with batshit insanity and conservative groups.  Buy it  : Snoopy And Woodstock Driving Los Angeles Lakers Car 2020 NBA Champions Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Snoopy We Are Never Too Old For Christmas Shirt

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It was part of the ongoing plan to use     Snoopy We Are Never Too Old For Christmas Shirt  Russian tactics and propaganda on the American people from this administration, it should be obvious by now over the last 4 years with the countless stories and attempts its not difficult to see the pattern..“I never heard, Mr. Goldman, anyone say that the investigations had to start or had to be completed,” Sondland said. “The only thing I heard from Mr. Giuliani or otherwise was that they had to be announced in some form, and that form kept changing.” I mean at this point, can't we just start cross posting all this to conspiracy? It's not like it doesn't qualify. The Cacophony  Buy it  :  Snoopy We Are Never Too Old For Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Turkey Face Mask Nope Nope Yep Teacher Life2020 Shirt

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 My favorite recent two were about  Turkey Face Mask Nope Nope Yep Teacher Life2020 Shirt  local elections and astroturfing. I feel like he does a good job of covering ideas and talking about problems, while still keeping it pretty funny. This two made me check into my own local electoral races (I'm in BC Canada) and also check my personal biases whenever I think some group is astroturfing My favourite by far (and what got me watching his show in the first place) was the one he did about biases in scientific reporting. As someone who studied engineering everything he said was spot on. Seriously. He built-up (or rebuilt, depending) so much goodwill as “America’s Mayor” because of 9/11. Yeah, when you're defending your parking ticket say you parked in the disabled space because you were struggling to carry the body. When they ask why you were carrying a body say that you killed someone. Buy it : Turkey Face Mask Nope Nope Yep Teacher Life2020 Shirt Premium Tr...

The Lakers Are The 2020 NBA Champions Shirt

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 He brought down the Italian mob  The Lakers Are The 2020 NBA Champions Shirt   and left the Russian mob, who were more in the shadows, alone. Could be he first made his Russian contact here. They fed him information to take down their rivals. And the relationshp built from there. He's also the one responsible for the horrible stat-based policing we have across the country (because everyone followed NYPD's lead in the 90s). A New York cop used data to figure out crime patterns and clean up the city. Rudy was mad that arrests went down afterwards and made the cops start enforcing petty laws more strictly. Now we live in a world where a cop can risk their neck busting a meth  Buy it  : The Lakers Are The 2020 NBA Champions Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Truth Over Harris 2020 Biden 2020 Flies Shirt

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 He fucking sucked for 9/11. He moved t  Truth Over Harris 2020 Biden 2020 Flies Shirt  he crisis response center from Brooklyn to WTC because he didn’t like to drive too far from City Hall. Putting the unit in a fucking monument/tourist center instead of somewhere they could operate efficiently. Y h I remember reading this. And it was a tourist center that was attacked by terrorists more than once Eh, the crime rates were falling nationwide at similar levels. He was just in office when they were falling. Correlation isn't causation. It likely had more to do with R The crime rate started dropping (in large part) because of policies Dinkins put in place, he just barely lost to Guiliani so the crime rate continued to drop and fucking Rudy got all the credit.  Buy it :  Truth Over Harris 2020 Biden 2020 Flies Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

In A World Full Of Princesses Be A Biker Shirt

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 Giuliani has always been a piece   In A World Full Of Princesses Be A Biker Shirt    of shit; his treatment of the homeless alone during his mayoralty is sufficient to damn him to hell. I can't find the clip, but Michael Moore had a great bit in one of his 90s TV shows (I think it was TV Nation) where he was renting storage lockers for the homeless to demonstrate how Rudy was just trying to sweep away human beings from NYC rather than address the underlying problem. I think toning down his aggressive-ness is and active campaign choice , and I think a good one at that. Lets him show * how* different trump he is, and can hopefully convince more people he can lead us back to some sort of normal.  Buy it :  In A World Full Of Princesses Be A Biker Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Stay At Wear A Shirt

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 And the irony is, Rudy Giuliani , Stay At Wear A Shirt   probably the most underqualified man since George  Bush to seek the presidency, is here talking about any of the people here. Rudy Giuliani... I mean, think about it! Rudy Giuliani. There’s only three things he mentions in a sentence — a noun, a verb, and 9/11. There’s nothing else! There’s nothing else! And I mean this sincerely. He’s genuinely not qualified to be president. "I have watched hundreds of political debates and it's the single most devastating line I can recall. There is no possible way to respond to it. If only Biden's politics were as aggressive as that quote.  Buy it :  Stay At Wear A Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt

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 If being rejected by a cheating and drug  Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt   dealing bikie because he wanted to spend more time with his wife over you doesn’t make you reevaluate your life decisions, I don’t know what will I was sort of a sugar baby. He wasn’t super wealthy and didn’t shower me with luxury. I was freshly 18, he was 40. I met him through a mutual friend who initially thought nothing of it. Eventually we started hooking up in a very dom/sub way. He got me small gifts ie clothes, makeup, jewelry, paid for my tattoos, paid for hotel stays, Disneyland etc. We eventually got to know each other and realized we had a lot in common and got along well.  Buy it : Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

One Way Or Another Somebody Is Getting Stabbed Shirt

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 I worked as a stripper and fell in love  One Way Or Another Somebody Is Getting Stabbed Shirt   with the manager. I saw girls always fawning over him- leaving some tips on stage so he would bring them back to the dressing room and they could flirt with him. I assumed it was a phase and tried to ignore my feelings. At the time I was suffering from chronic pain and an eating disorder. He just cared so much and went out of his way to help. We’ve now been married for 15 years and have three children. Honestly the fact that all the other girls liked him too probably says he is a great guy and good manager. That’s great that it was hopefully a good establishment to work at  Buy it :  One Way Or Another Somebody Is Getting Stabbed Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: V iewtees - Custom - Shirt

Funny Bee Honey Moon Shirt

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 Bill developed a fatherly relationship  Funny Bee Honey Moon Shirt  with my daughter in law in her teens. He paid most, and often all of their rent. He lived in another city and would come visit every couple of weeks. Bill and Annie never had a physical relationship but they had a deep relationship and intimate understanding of each other.Annie died 2 years ago. Before she passed my son and daughter in law moved in with us to find better jobs and cheaper housing in a different state. They have 2 beautiful children and found a place of their own. They are thriving, well adjusted, and happy. Bill flies out every couple of months to visit. He loves my grandkids as much as I do. He spoils them rotten and truly enjoys being grandpa. Buy it :   Funny Bee Honey Moon Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

J'Ai Demande A Dieu Une Meilleure Amie Mamie Complice Papy Shirt

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 Her mom, we will call her Annie, became J'Ai Demande A Dieu Une Meilleure Amie Mamie Complice Papy Shirt   close to a client over the phone. It went far beyond typical phone sex and they developed a really intimate relationship. Eventually he wanted to meet. It didn't go well. Annie had lied about her appearance. She claimed she was a former actress and beauty queen down on her luck. This was far from the truth. She was also dishonest about her health condition and he, let's call him Bill, became very angry with her deception. He ignored her calls after the meeting. They didn't speak for several months, but he missed her companionship and truly discovered he loved her. He came back around. Bill developed a fatherly relationship with my daughter in law in her teens. He paid most, and often all of their rent. He lived in another city and would come visit every couple of weeks.  Buy it  :  J'Ai Demande A Dieu Une Meilleure Amie Mamie Complice Papy Shirt ...

I Could Live With You I Married You Shirt

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 They lived in extreme poverty after  I Could Live With You I Married You Shirt   that. My daughter in law is a gifted artist and would draw pictures of popular anime characters for classmates for money just to buy lunch. I asked her why her mom didn't apply for free lunch or food stamps and she said she wasn't sure. But she was always hungry and their living situation was less than ideal. Her mom, we will call her Annie, became close to a client over the phone. It went far beyond typical phone sex and they developed a really intimate relationship. Eventually he wanted to meet. It didn't go well. Annie had lied about her appearance.  Buy it : I Could Live With You I Married You Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Watt Is Love Baby Don'T Hertz Me Vintage Retro Shirt

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 Related only, but one of my friends  Watt Is Love Baby Don'T Hertz Me Vintage Retro Shirt   with unlimited business expenses was hosting in NYC clients from London. That night ended up at a strip club across the street from my home, and $1000 dollars in lap dance tickets ($20 each) in the middle of the table. A year later, my nephew was visiting me as he turned 21, so I gave him the 3 tickets and sent him to the strip club. He did not return, but called at 8AM. "I'm making breakfast over at Dawn's place" My amazing daughter in law's mother was a phone sex worker for many years after the death of her husband. She had a heart condition and couldn't work regular jobs.  Buy it :  Watt Is Love Baby Don'T Hertz Me Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Blow Kisses NotLeads Tee Shirt

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 I've been wanting to grab some  Blow Kisses NotLeads Tee Shirt  chargers from Anker but I'm still really confused about what to buy. I have an iPhone X and my husband has one of the iPhone 11's. I think 11 Pro. But it looks like on Anker's site and many others there's "rapid charging," "fast charging," "power delivery charging," "qi enabled charging..." What the hell does any of it mean and which one is the fast one? They are all mostly just proprietary options for USB-A fast charging. USB-IF explicitly forbids those standards to be put onto USB-C (which uses their open standard Power Delivery). Just skip right to USB-C and ignore the rest. A USB-C charger   Buy it : Blow Kisses NotLeads Tee Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Buy Be Careful What You Ask For Shirt

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 I'm sure people upgrading iPhones  Buy Be Careful What You Ask For Shirt   can just use their old adapter and cable to charge... but then it's also just a waste of a cable. I'm certain that while there's billions of adapters in the wild already...a very very very small amount are USB-C which would leave a lot of people needing to buy an adapter anyway. Thank You, I thought the exact same thing during the presentation. Apple: There are so many chargers from our old phones out there that we aren’t going to include one with the 12. Also Apple: We’re changing the cord to lightening to USBC for the 12 making all chargers  Buy it : Buy Be Careful What You Ask For Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Biden Truth Over Flies Fly Swatter VP Harris 2020 T-Shirt

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 Then next year add a bigger battery  Biden Truth Over Flies Fly Swatter VP Harris 2020 T-Shirt  to compensate for the rest along with a slightly improved 5G modem. Have the magaafe to market as charge anywhere anytime. Forget lightning existed by iPhone 14. Probably some proprietary data transfer protocol through the magsafe will be introduced. Honestly I really liked the magnetic concept and I wanted to see it used in more places. Sucks that Apple patented the revolutionary concept of "put a magnet on the end" and now nobody else can use anything but friction and toggle retention. Its just another cheap apple move to make money. Most people dont have the adapter anyways unless they bought an iPhone recently. They can say whatever they want but this decision did not have environmental impact as its focus  Buy it : Biden Truth Over Flies Fly Swatter VP Harris 2020 Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter Biden Harris 2020 Debate T-Shirt

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 I only got one with my iPad Pro in 2018   Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter Biden Harris 2020 Debate T-Shirt  and I have a lot of Apple devices. Almost no one I know has a usb c brick. so basically the one that came with the 11 pro? i have exactly one of those lol In fairness the cables have much shorter lifespans than the bricks. In my experience the cables can start to give out after about 2 years of heavy use Can you imagine if we switched to USBC from lightning a few years back... That would have really helped the environment. At that point, why even include the cable? If most people have USB A chargers to   Buy it : Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter Biden Harris 2020 Debate T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

The Quicker Sniffer Upper Anti Biden Pro Trump Shirt

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 The AirPods don't come with a brick, but  The Quicker Sniffer Upper Anti Biden Pro Trump Shirt   did already come with a USB-C to Lightning cable, I think the same is true for the Watch? So it's possible these people will have had to buy USB-C chargers already too, but that's grasping at straws. My Gen 2’s came with the usual lightning to USB-A cable, no plug. Watch came with its regular puck and USB-A ended cable, no wall plug either. (Nike S3 cellular) But I know some watches do, or did, come with the power brick, so it doesn’t matter. It’s kind of dumb to change your shipped cable and also discontinue including bricks the same year. Great for the bottom line I guess, but greedy and not very consumer friendly.  Buy it :  The Quicker Sniffer Upper Anti Biden Pro Trump Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Truth Over Lies Joe Biden 2020 T-Shirt

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 It seems a bit bonkers that they said   Truth Over Lies Joe Biden 2020 T-Shirt   there are already billions of charging breaks around and then sell the iPhone with a cable that won’t fit most of them. Neither the new cable nor the lack of brick is a terrible idea itself, but the  Just FYI, not many will be buying the individual packs so the packaging they saved on the iPhone 12 pro box will be more than the added packaging for individual chargers Consumer: “there’s this new cord, but it doesn’t work with the brick I’ve got” Apple: “oh yeah, if you want to use Next they will remove the cable and make the box even thinner so they can fit an extra 20% more phones on a pallet.  Buy it :T ruth Over Lies Joe Biden 2020 T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter T-Shirt

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 They mentioned how there are  Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter T-Shirt   millions and millions of charging bricks apple has already pushed into the world yet probably 1% of them are USB-C. Expect lots of upset customers when they bring their phones home and the cord doesn't work with their bricks. But if reducing waste is the goal, why include a cable that 99% of people aren't going to use? Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for our USB-C future and now that Apples doing it, everyone will, but it's just weird. I think they should have included a USB C brick for a couple of cycles. Hell, they should have done that years ago and they wouldn't be in this mess.  Buy it : Fly Hits Mike Pence White Swatter T-Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt

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One of my co-workers can tell terrible puns  A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt   on the spot, quickly as possible, like a standup comedian. You could say he is a 'groan-up'. Thankfully I have a similar sense of humour to him and thats how we bonded.  Untangling things. I don’t know why, but I can always untangle knots and tangled up necklaces. I only met my match once with a silver necklace Edit: Wow so many replies! Thanks for the awards too! I guess I thought it was useless since I only really did it for jewelry I never wear anyway but wow, network technicians...respect! Me too. My friend got her jewelry over to my place to untangle. Such a random skill to have!  Buy it :  A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt

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i'm crush everybody at Trivial  Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt   Pursuit for this very reason. People always give me weird look because i can answer absolute random questions because of a random TV show i watched like 10 years ago. Oh yeah? Well did you know the dollop of toothpaste you put on your brush is called a nurdle? I just learned that a few days ago and can't help but think about it every time I brush my teeth now. me too. I can memorize 250 pokemon with attacks, lore, and everything, but I fail at remembering what i did the last 5 minutes of school I think that's why I have trouble remembering names, I have so much Star Wars and Lord of the Rings trivia in my head that I can't always remember the names of real people.  Buy it :   Snp I Hate Morning People And Mornings And People Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt

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driving and they find a parallel   Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt   parking spot no matter how snug but manageable they make me do it. I'm decent at many things, but parallel parking is a skill I have maxed out for some reason. I can parallel park an 18-wheeler. In two years if trucking, I have never had to parallel park an 18-wheeler. I do roll off dumpsters. Imagine parking like an a-hole and coming back out to a dumpster a few inches from your vehicle because you parked where the contractor told you not to. I can name the location of every country in the world on a map, no one cares though  Buy it :  Rimmer The Man The Myth The Smeghead Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt

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 Gets back to work. Three weeks    Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt  later, a detective three doors down the hall was playing a tape from evidence and he goes running down the hall (according to witnesses) and runs in the room and says "who is that?!?!" Apparently it was someone they were looking for for some sort of money crime (stealing from old ladies type stuff). They were able to send the information to the department where the conference had been and where, apparently, the guy was now living. I can parallel park so damn good. I remember when I took my driver's test how easy it was, and I stopped being nervous. Ever since then friends or family members I ride with, even if I'm not   Buy it :  Halloween This Witch Lifts Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt

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 Same here. I have face blindness  Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt  and recognizing voices and gait help me keep track of people When I mentioned to people at work that I could fold a fitted sheet one of them brought a sheet in the next day so that I could show them how lol.My girlfriend can do this, she takes one corner and stuffs it into her other hand and then shakes it around until i guess I black out because the next thing I know is it’s folded Tongue twisters. Can't talk for shit normally, but I can say all the crazy shit. same. I call people by the wrong name, say the wrong word all the time, its enough that if anyon  Buy it :  Kamala Harris I’m Still Speaking Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Women Hunt Too Beware We Hit What We Aim At Shirt

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 I know a cop that could do this. He was  Women Hunt Too Beware We Hit What We Aim At Shirt   away at a conference / training one time and some absolute prig was monopolizing him time at the bar. Gets back to work. Three weeks later, a detective three doors down the hall was playing a tape from evidence and he goes running down the hall (according to witnesses) and runs in the room and says "who is that?!?!" Apparently it was someone they were looking for for some sort of money crime (stealing from old ladies type stuff). They were able to send the information to the department where the conference had been and where, apparently, the guy was now living.  Buy it : Women Hunt Too Beware We Hit What We Aim At Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

92% Of Studies Found That Sitting On A Beard Shirt

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 When I was in high school   92% Of Studies Found That Sitting On A Beard Shirt  I read some novel in which the woman admires the hero because he has a habit of throwing his keys over his shoulder and catching them behind his back. I practiced and learned to do it pretty easily. But I never had the confidence to do it casually in front of women. Or anyone really. Oh i do the opposite. Throw it from behind my shoulder and have my other hand out ready to catch them I'm a hibachi chef. So I've mastered this skill as well. Let me tell you buddy..... nobody gives a damn lol When passing out papers to a group of people, I can flick the paper in a straight line up to 6 feet. It amazes kids. It’s also r  Buy it : 92% Of Studies Found That Sitting On A Beard Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

This Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt

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 I live in NZ and i 1000% agree with  This Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt   you, we had so much warning , low population density, an island. Out of all the countries you could argue that we could of gone really laxed interms of controls. Yet we had one if not the most restrictions when covid started to flare up. As soon as our Govt saw infections in the community it was a instant 4 week (extended to 6) lockdown of the country. So really makes you think when other countries without our advantages took a way more relaxed approach. New Zealand is twice the size of England and has a population of over 4 millions people, (smaller than a number of UK cities).  Buy it : This Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Skull Oklahoma Raiders American Flag Shirt

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 Thank you so much for helping  Skull Oklahoma Raiders American Flag Shirt   keep vulnerable people safe in such difficult times. That's an awesome accomplishment In the mean time, I’ll continue to mask up, distance, wash hands, etc. to keep myself and others safe. Man when this is all over I want to move to NZ. I've been looking at Queenstown for a few years, and sounds like you guys get things done properly over there Oh Queenstown is gorgeous!! I think if I didn’t have work and other constraints I’d want to move there too. Been there once, straight out of a painting 5 hours ago Queenstown is so overcrowded and overdeveloped, go to Wanaka it is more like how Qtown used to be Buy it :  Skull Oklahoma Raiders American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Star Wars Darth Vader Oklahoma Raiders I Am Your Fan Shirt

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 The real problem is that there   Star Wars Darth Vader Oklahoma Raiders I Am Your Fan Shirt   was no national plan to handle the virus, because trump is completely in over his head and bad at literally everything related to management. He left the states to deal with covid on their own and now look at where we are... stupid.. sry for bringing up trump, but how can you not nowadays. His ineptitude has a This makes me really sad. Happy for you but really sad. You’re resuming normal life. And we’re being told that normalcy will likely return late 2021. Meaning we’re not even at the halfway point yet. Depressing. Yeah, there's enough intense stupidity in America that COVID is probably just.. here to stay. Even with an ideal vaccine, a non-negligible amount of people will be proud that they're practically worshipping Nurgle.  Buy it :  Star Wars Darth Vader Oklahoma Raiders I Am Your Fan Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Cus...

Skull Oklahoma Raiders Football Shirt

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 to send COVID patients to LTC  Skull Oklahoma Raiders Football Shirt   facilities. Complicated decision based on really bad assumptions that were published in the Lancet and several other medical journals. So when we drastically dropped our transmission rate by mid-April I was like fuck yeah. Then the rest of the country decided to fuck itself. I mean de Blasio completely fucked the beginning of the pandemic telling people to go to the gym and shit, but I get that we didn’t really understand what was coming. And then it’s so sad that while NYC and other cities figured out how to deal with it, the rest of the country started to feel invincible because it hadn’t arrived there yet Buy it : Skull Oklahoma Raiders Football  Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

This Girl Love Her Oklahoma Raiders Shirt

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 Rates are rising again partly  This Girl Love Her Oklahoma Raiders Shirt   due to COVID fatigue and the increased movement of people coming in from overseas or travelling around in country. They were also able to take the risk on not locking down by having a very solid and resilient healthcare system. So it was more of a case of Socialised Healthcare, and collective responsibility (two pretty left wing ideas) that helped it, and it’s now people expressing their “personal freedoms” (a more right wing ideology) that is causing the levels to rise again. I once met a girl called India. Of course she was coming from the freedomland where you can name your kids like continents.  Buy it : This Girl Love Her Oklahoma Raiders Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt

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 The orange super spreader is the gift  Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt    that keeps on giving. Now he has nominated a woman for Supreme Court justice who was in a far right wing religious cult where the women were forced to submit to their husbands and the women were literally referred to as handmaids, can't make this shit up Well British here and to me you all are just rebellious children I'm from Earth and I always think we have too many National borders. Cries in American. We handled it worse than any other country in the world  Buy it :  Girl Loves Oklahoma Raiders Halloween Skeleton Heart Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

This Man Loves The Oklahoma Raiders Shirt

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 something impressive, be it an  This Man Loves The Oklahoma Raiders Shirt   action, an object, a skill, a moment, a fact that is above all others. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of 'that is next level' from viewers. Do not police or gatekeep the content of this sub (debate what is or is not next fucking level) in the comment section, 100% of the content is moderated.Mainly because they did keep the social distancing and were wearing masks in public. Yep, we did. We heed the warnings, the government acted swift according to scientific advice, we followed the government’s guidelines, and now all is fine and dandy.  Buy it : This Man Loves The Oklahoma Raiders Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Horse Shirt

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We've all go the right   I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Horse Shirt   to protect ourselves from things we feel we might not be strong enough to handle. Sure, people held grudges against me for my decision, but the decision was, in fact my own - and I know in my heart my mum never would hold that against me. It's been 25 odd years since, and i still see her in my dreams all the time. I still remember all the good stuff. My much older brothers and sisters still tell me that they think the decision I made not to go that day was for the best. I think it's totally different if the person is already unconscious or dead. My sister died in a crash, and I was the only family member in town who could identify her. She didn't legally need identifying (she was with a friend when it happened and had  Buy it :   I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Horse Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt

Fishing Solves Most Of My Problems Hunting Solves The Rest Vintage Shirt

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 She said she knows she probably  Fishing Solves Most Of My Problems Hunting Solves The Rest Vintage Shirt   won't be able to; won't get the chance (due to her age) but she wishes more than anything that she could return the favor. That if I were ever hospitalized, she would never leave my side. I tell you all this to say...I understand how hard it can be. I GET the temptation to be like my older brother and be like "I don't want to see them like this, its going to haunt me!" but when you understand how much it means to them, it'll give you the strength to power through. My mum had a brain aneurism and was in the icu after her surgery when I was 12 - the outlook was not good. I went to visit her one time - keep in mind I was told prior to the visit that she was paralysed down her left side and non-responsive Buy it : Fishing Solves Most Of My Problems Hunting Solves The Rest Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Viewtees - Custom - Shirt